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Greater Lafayette Regional Soccer Alliance

Greater Lafayette Regional Soccer Alliance

Recreational League Rules

GLRSA Recreational League Rules

The Greater Lafayette Regional Soccer Alliance is a non-profit organization whose goal is to create an enjoyable learning and playing experience. It supports our youth as they learn the skills and experience the thrills of the world's most popular sport.

1. Greater Lafayette Regional Soccer Alliance (GLRSA) requires that all players receive equal playing time. This is dependent upon players’ practice participation (i.e. if a player does not make it to any/many practices, the coach is not obligated to play her or him as much as those who have participated in more or all practices). Coaches are responsible for monitoring and administering.

2. We always have more teams than we have practice fields available to us. Our game and practice sites are provided to us with the expectation that they will be used wisely. Teams must all get along at practices and games. Scheduled games take precedence over practices at the respective fields. If any extreme situations occur, please send email to  [email protected].

3. Players are not allowed to be added or moved except by GLRSA. Any team found to have an illegal player(s) will forfeit all games up to and including the affected game. An illegal player is one who does not appear on the official GLRSA roster of the team in question. Any team found to be playing an illegal player is subject to disciplinary action(s). Coaches should have a GLRSA provided copy of their rosters at all games and wear their game shirts.

4. Games will be played as scheduled unless prior approval has been granted by the Game Scheduler Administrator or an officer of the board. To find out if games have been canceled due to weather conditions, check the website for information after 4:15 p.m. for weekday games and after 6:30 a.m. for Saturday games. Consideration for game cancellations due to cold weather will begin when the temperature drops below 40 degrees (including wind chill). Consideration for game cancellations due to heat will begin when the temperature (including heat index) is above 85 degrees. Any game that makes it to half-time will be considered a complete game if canceled due to weather.

5. Lightning: Once lightning is seen or thunder is heard, all practice fields and game fields must be cleared immediately (no exceptions). All individuals should seek proper shelter. Practices and games will resume after a mandatory 30-minute waiting period from the time the last lightning strike is seen or thunder is heard. Referees or board members will decide when games are suspended and resumed. Board members will decide game cancellations.

6. Alcohol and smoking are not allowed at any GLRSA locations. Pets must be kept on a leash at all times. It is the owner’s responsibility to clean up after their pet.

7. Field Cleanup: Please be considerate by cleaning up the area after your game. If you are the last game of the day, please take care of any obvious litter concerns. This is greatly appreciated by the league and the people who live in the area. If you have lost or found any items, please send us an email to  [email protected].

8. Required Equipment:

一 Shin guards must be worn to participate in any game or practice.

一 Game shirt should be worn during all games. If the shirt is not available, a similar colored shirt may be substituted. The referee will decide if it is acceptable. Contact the league to get a new shirt.

一 Players are not required to wear soccer cleats or mouth guards, however; both are recommended. Shoes with a toe cleat cannot be worn unless the shoe is altered in such a way as to be safe. If unsure, please check with the referee. Metal cleats are not allowed.

一 Jewelry shall not be worn except for religious or medical medals. A religious medal must be taped and worn under uniform. A medical alert must be taped and may be visible. If unsure, please check with the referee. The use of tape or Band-Aids on starter earrings are not allowed.

一 Casts must be wrapped in ½ inch of foam or other soft material.

一 Goalie shirt must be worn by the goalie that is a different color than either teams’ game shirts.

The goalie shirt can be a penny or any shirt style.

9. Sidelines: Coaches choose a half upon arrival to the field and place their teams’ equipment, etc. Team players and coaches stay on opposite side of parents, and stay on one half of the field for entire game. If both coaches want the same half, the ruling will be to take the half in which the team is defending first. Parents, family, and fans are to sit along opposite side of coaches and teams. The game will not start until all fans are on one side and each team is on their own half. The referee may stop play if a coach crosses the centerline. No one is permitted on either goal end of the field.

10. Spectator Line: A spectator line shall be at least 3 feet from the field sideline and all spectators shall stay behind the line and away from the corner flags.

Disciplinary Actions/Suspensions: Appeals are not allowed for any disciplinary action taken.

一 Coaches

Violation of league policies, rules, or code of conduct may result in disciplinary action.

A coach could be suspended for one or more games, or suspended permanently, depending on the severity of the offense

Forfeiture of games and/or forfeit of the season/tournament

一 Parents

Violation of league policies, rules, or code of conduct may result in disciplinary action The parent(s) could be suspended for one or more games, or banned permanently from attending a child’s game, depending on the severity of the offense

一 Players

Violation of league policies, rules, or code of conduct may result in disciplinary action. The player(s) could be suspended for one or more games, or suspended permanently, depending on the severity of the offense

Forfeiture of games and/or forfeit of the season/tournament

Game Rules

Games will be played according to the NFHS rules with adoptions by the IHSAA and any modifications that GLRSA deems necessary. All referee calls are final once the start of the next play has begun.

1) Code of Conduct: Coaching shall always be in a positive manner. In the heat of the game, please remain in control. There will be no coaching by anyone from the goal line. Refer to sideline rule for further information.

2) Playing Time and Ball Size: the referee will be the sole judge of any extra time granted for ball retrieval, injury, etc. The referee may alter the time structure for weather-related reasons. Half-time should be five minutes and two minutes between quarters.


Ball Size

Game Time

U5 – U6


10-minute quarters (4)

U7 – U8


10-minute quarters (4)

U9 – U10


20-minute halves (2)

U11 – U12


25-minute halves (2)

U14 – U18


30-minute halves (2)

Any game (regular season or tournament) that makes it to half-time that must be canceled due to weather is considered a complete game.

3) Players on the Field: If a team does not have the minimum number of players to start the game, then the game is declared a forfeit. The team with enough players will be given a 1-0 win. If both teams do not have a minimum number of players to start the game, then the game is declared a loss for both teams.


Players on Field


U5 – U6

5 field + goalie = 6 total


U7 – U10

6 field + goalie = 7 total


U11 – U12

8 field + goalie = 9 total


U14 – U18

10 field + goalie = 11 total


4) Use of Goalies (applies to U5-U12 only): To ensure player development at all positions, a player may not participate as goalie for more than ½ the game.

5) Offsides: A player is in an offside position if they are closer to the opponent's goal line than both the ball and the second-to-last defender (which is usually the last defensive player), but only if the player is past the offside region.


Offside Region

U5 – U6


U7 – U8

Camped in penalty box

U9 – U10

Build Out Line

U11 – U12


U14 – U18


A player is called for being in an offsides position when the ball is touched or played by a team mate and they become a part of the play or gain an advantage by being in an offsides position. "Being in an offside position" is a matter of fact, whereas "actively involved or a part of the play or gaining an advantage" is subject to the interpretation of the referee. Please review the link on GLRSA homepage to better understand what is and what isn’t offsides.

6) Goal Kicks: A goal kick is awarded to the defensive team when the offensive team kicks the ball past the end zone/goal line. When a goal kick is taken, the ball must clear the penalty area before it is officially in play. A re-kick is taken if the ball does not clear the area.

U5 – U6: The kick is from the top of the penalty area. All members of the opposing team must be on their defending half of the field prior to a goal kick.

U7 - U10: The kick is from the top of the penalty area. All members of the opposing team must be behind the build-out line prior to a goal kick.

U11 – U14: The kick will be taken six yards from the goal line.

7) Corner Kicks: A corner kick is awarded to the offensive team when the defensive team kicks the ball past the end zone/goal line. The ball is to be placed within the white arc located at the corners of the field.

8) Pass back to Goalie (applies to U11 through U18 Only): A player may not intentionally pass the ball back to their goalie with their legs and then have the goalie touch the ball with their hands (heading the ball back to the goalie is allowed). The penalty is an indirect free kick from the spot where the goalie touches the ball. If this occurs within the 6-yard goalie box, the ball is placed on the 6-yard line nearest the point the ball entered the goalie box.

9) Slide Tackles: U5 – U8: Slide Tackles are not allowed. Penalty is a major foul.

U9 – U18: Slide tackles must be cleanly done to avoid a foul/penalty (never from behind).

10) No Heading the Ball (applies to U5 through U12 Only): No player is allowed to intentionally head the ball during practice or during a game. Penalty during a game is an indirect free kick from the spot of the infraction.

11) Punting (applies to U5 through U10 Only): The goalie is not allowed to punt or drop kick the ball. If the goalie punts or drop kicks the ball, the opposing team is awarded an indirect free kick.

12) U5, U6, U7 Referees: One coach per U5, U6, and U7 team will be allowed on the field to position and instruct the players. The U5 and U6 coaches will need to help enforce the rules. The club will assign referees for U7. U7 coaches should focus on coaching their players and the referees will enforce the rules.

13) Substitutions: The coach may substitute any player on the field when his/her team has a throw-in or corner kick, on any team’s goal kick, or after each goal. The coach must first get the referee's attention, at which time the referee will stop play and allow the substitution. Play will resume at the direction of the referee. The team not in possession of the ball may substitute an unlimited number of players on a throw in and corner kick if the team in possession of the ball is also substituting. Substitutions should take place at the half line. Once you are ready to have a substitute enter the game, please have them report to the half line and wait for the referee to call them onto the field.

14) Stopped Play: Game play continues until a goal is scored or the referee stops play by telling the player to hold the throw or kick. If the referee has not told a player to hold the throw or kick, then play will continue (i.e. corner kicks, free kicks, and throw-ins are all live play unless otherwise directed by the referee). Once the referee has stopped play, it will resume only under his/her direction.

15) Fouls: For both major and minor fouls, no second whistle is needed for a restart unless the referee needs to move the defending players the required distance away from the ball. In order to be in play, the ball shall be moved in any direction. If a free kick is awarded to the defending team in its penalty area, the ball is not in play until it is beyond the penalty area and into the field of play. Failure to kick the ball as specified shall result in a re-kick.

A) Minor Fouls - Indirect Kick: An indirect kick is signaled by the referee raising his/her arm straight above the head. Ball must be touched by two (2) players before scoring. These fouls include: 1) dangerous play as determined by the referee; 2) offsides; 3) obstruction (intentionally blocking another player from the ball without attempting to play the ball); 4) while playing goal keeper, picking up the ball after it has been deliberately kicked back to you by your own teammate.

B) Major Fouls - Direct Kick: A direct kick is signified by the referee pointing his/her arm straight out from the body while facing the goal. The ball need not be touched by anyone else other than the kicker before scoring. These fouls include: 1) deliberately kicking or attempts to kick an opponent; 2) charging the goal keeper; 3) holding; 4) intentional hand ball (use of hands to gain advantage or using the arms to get larger in hopes of blocking the ball); 5) jumping at an opponent; 6) pushing; 7) slide tackles when the ball is not being played or when no contact is made to the ball prior to player contact; 8) spitting at an opponent; 9) striking an opponent; 10) tripping; 11) unfair shoulder charge (lowering the shoulder). A penalty kick is awarded if the major foul occurs within the penalty area while the ball is in play.

16) Flagrant Violation: Any player found to be in flagrant violation of any rule will be asked to leave the game until the referee has decided to allow his/her return. The coach will be allowed to substitute that player. In the event the player is asked to leave again in the same game, the player will not be allowed to return and the team must play one player short for the remainder of the game. If a player is found to be playing violently or with extreme unsportsmanlike conduct, the player will be removed immediately from the game without substitution. The referee will possess the authority to award a team a penalty kick for any coach, parent, or fan found to be expressing unsportsmanlike conduct. If the coach, parent, or fan continues, he/she will be asked to leave. If the coach, parent, or fan persists, the game may be terminated. U11, U12, U14, U18 players and coaches may be penalized with a yellow or red card. If a player or coach receives a red card, that player or coach will be required to sit out the rest of the game and the next game. The team will be required to play a person short the rest of the current game. If a player/coach accumulates 3 yellow cards in a season, the player/coach will be required to sit out the next game.

Tournament Overtime Rules

Any games before semi-finals will immediately go to penalty kicks. 5 penalty kicks will be taken by each team (teams will alternate kicks and players taking the kicks do not have to be on the field at the end of regulation). If there is still a tie after 5 penalty kicks, then sudden victory penalty kicks will be taken by each team (teams will alternate kicks). The first team to score on a penalty kick when the opponent doesn’t score on a penalty kick is declared the winner. Sudden victory penalty kicks cannot include any of the first 5 players until all players on the team have taken a kick.

Semi and Finals Games: one ten-minute period with two five-minute halves with no break between halves (teams switch sides). The team that has scored the most goals during the ten-minute period is declared the winner (the overtime period is not sudden death where the first team to score wins). If the game is still tied after the overtime period, 5 penalty kicks will be taken by each team (teams will alternate kicks and players taking the kicks do not have to be on the field at the end of regulation). If there is still a tie after 5 penalty kicks, then sudden victory penalty kicks will be taken by each team (teams will alternate kicks). The first team to score on a penalty kick when the opponent doesn’t score on a penalty kick is declared the winner. Sudden victory penalty kicks cannot include any of the first 5 players until all players on the team have taken a kick.


Greater Lafayette Regional Soccer Alliance
PO Box 5811 
Lafayette, Indiana 47903

Email: [email protected]

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